

H wubuu Elementary was originally Hwufeng Elementary, and was established in 1918. The school became a public elementary school in 1921. As Kinmen fell to enemy occupation in the Sino-Japanese war, the school was disbanded for 8 years, only to be reestablished in 1946. In 1949, the school was stopped by a year due to the battle at Guningtou.

In 1950, the school was reestablished and renamed as Hwuhsia Public School by the administrative village government. Residential houses and shrines were rented as classrooms for the students.

In 1959, the school was merged with Sibuu Public School and renamed as Hwubuu Public School.

In 1961, the classrooms became gradually packed due to increasing enrollment. People who were committed to education promoted school expansion. In 1964, the new school building was completed with the help of donations from expatriates from Singapore and Malaysia.

In 1964, a science classroom was built.

In September 9th, 1967, national education policies were carried out, and the school was renamed as Hwubuu Public Elementary School.

Two more classrooms were built in 1969; an additional classroom was built in 1971; in 1972, 3 more classrooms were built on the second floor.

In order to carryout educational policy trial of 9 years continuous national education, the school was merged with Guning Public Elementary School in August 1974 to become Hwubuu Branch.

In September 1977, the school began enrolling students for its attachment Kindergarten school.

In 1993, the classrooms were refurbished. All external walls were relined with tiles, the floors with smooth gravel, and two new toilets were added. The school building then assumed a newer and more attractive look.

In 1998, in line with the government policy of developing the spirit of small schools and classes, the school was thus made an independent institution along educational trends.

民國八十七年八月恢復獨立設校。 民國九十一年六月中棟教室完成改建為地上二樓及地下一層校舍,巍莪壯觀。 民國九十二年十月完成運動場、校門正面及西側圍牆,改建兒童遊憩區及環境綠化工程,校園景觀煥然一新,美侖美奐。 民國一0一年六月完成湖峰樓(學生普通教室)拆除重建工程,從此學子有更好的上課環境。 湖埔國民小學創校迄今七十年餘載歷經戰亂,更感念校舍興建維艱,企望絃歌不輟,人才輩出。
Since its creation, Hwubuu Elementary school has endured 70 years of history, notwithstanding wars and chaos. We are deeply thankful for the establishment of our schools in spite of the difficulties, and hope that the school spirit will never die and that talented individuals continue to emerge from our institution.
